Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Decade Ago, I Quit Radio, For Candy!

On Halloween 2003, ten years ago tonight, I quit radio.  

Spoiler alert; That didn't go too well, considering what I do for a living today!

Back then, I was a part of a very popular morning show with an amazing team of talented people. Who I won't mention their names, to protect my secret admiration to them all... the time, I was working for a company that wanted to take ownership & control the morning show website, which I designed, managed and also co-owned with a friend.  They wanted to put ads on this site, even though they had nothing to do with it.

We started this website at another radio station, and while there, it drew more traffic than their own main website.  The station liked our promotional abilities, so they actually shutdown their website and redirected web traffic to our site.  Beyond asking me to build some personality pages for the rest of the on-air talent, the station never interfered with what we were doing.

As they said;
 "Why mess with what is already working!"
When we got to this new station, after a short while, they wanted to insert their sponsor's advertisement banners or gain full access to the site.  I was not in favor of this, so a disagreement began.

On Halloween evening, back in 2003, my boss contacted me and told me that he wanted me to immediately transfer files of our site to their server.  I started to do it, which was no small task and this was outside of my regular working hours.

While doing this, I got a message from my sister, telling me that my two young nieces we 're waiting for me to go out Trick-or-Treating.  That is when I made the decision that I was not going to miss my time with my girls, who were just visiting from Wisconsin.

So, I quit my job and went out looking for candy with a 7 year and 4 year old nieces.

I had no regrets and kept myself busy by working in television.

I did not return to the radio studio until about a couple years later, when I came back to help my old morning team with a project.  After that, I was asked to come back, and with new management, I was happy to rejoin them.

During my second tour with this team, we proudly made a Halloween video, showing what happens at the radio studios at night...

Eventually the team went on to other endeavors.  Mine, while still doing television here and there, also includes working with two of the most legendary radio personalities of all time.  Again, I won't mention their names, to protect my secret admiration to them both...

...and that guy!

...but I am very thrilled to be able to see these boys on a daily basis!

I am still living the dream, which I only quit doing, a decade earlier!

■The Robert Murphy Show, Producer
■The John Landecker Show, Producer
■The Dick Biondi Show, Producer
I am very grateful that I am still doing what I love and with the very best on the world famous W-L-S!

Tony Lossano, Broadcast Producer (TV & Radio, Chicago), amateur bicyclist, a fantastic dog walker, and has never been married to Alyssa Milano.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How Ventra Stopped Chicago From Working!

The new CTA Ventra Card has not been a complete failure, that won't happen until November 15th, when the Chicago Card is completely phased out.  This wouldn't be an issue if Ventra worked!

As I wrote before; "Ventra Makes The ObamaCare Registration Look Smooth!"  So what exactly is the issue?  Here are some of the complaints;

I have personally witnessed these problems way too often myself, so even though I have my Ventra Card, I am not switching over from my Chicago Card, until I have to, and even then, I could just bike to work.  How bad would that be?

Still better than dealing with the problems with Ventra!
According to the Chicago Tribune's Red Eye;
"Transit officials said software and data communications glitches — some because of Ventra and others caused by infrastructure still in use from the old fare-collection system — are the source of apparent malfunctions in the Ventra readers at rail turnstiles and onboard CTA and Pace buses."
Um, did they just blame the Chicago Card for screwing up the Ventra system?  At least the Chicago Card never had any of these issues.

Why exactly are we switching to this new system?  Does it have anything to do with signing up every Chicago transit rider with a "credit card" even if they never had one before?

Sure it is only a debit card, but why exactly are we linking people's means of getting to their job with something that could financially devastate them if they misuse?  It is clear that the CTA and Ventra's Cubic Transportation Systems can not manage this card properly.  Just look at how their customers are valued.

Another Unvalued Customer
I spoke with Rick at the Ventra Customer Contact Center, and I am all registered online, and my cards are ready to transfer over...I am just really waiting until they get the rest of their mess fixed.  

If Chicago stops working on November 15th, because the Ventra account doesn't work, I won't blame the CTA...This will all be on the CTA President, Forrest Claypool.  He will be getting a call from me, for a ride to work.

The CTA may fine Cubic Transportation Systems for it's mismanaging of Ventra, according to CTA spokesperson, Tammy Chase;
"We anticipate there will be penalties for Cubic for September"  
Can we, also, fine the CTA for mismanaging us riders?

Ventra columns:
Dump Ventra in 2014!
Ventra, No Change! "Stop. Stop. Go."
Ventra, On The Wrong Track!
Just The Beginning Of The Ventra Nightmare?
Follow The $$$ To Answer "Why Ventra?"
How Ventra Stopped Chicago From Working!
Ventra Makes The ObamaCare Registration Look Smooth!
CTA, A Well Run Company, Like A Runaway Train!
Is The CTA Just Messing With Me?

Tony Lossano, Broadcast Producer (TV & Radio, Chicago), amateur bicyclist, a fantastic dog walker, and has never been married to Alyssa Milano.

Foxy Fox Foxes!

Are the women on the news getting hotter?  No, I am not talking about Diane Sawyer, Andrea Mitchell or Rachel Meadow.  I am talking about that one channel that is filled with news babes, known as the Fox News Channel

Since August, I have been watching Fox News and I will admit, I do enjoy their satirical news-based-opinion-entertainment program.  NO, not Bill O'Reilly, I am talking about their late night show called Red Eye with Andy, Bill and a 5'6" midget troll.    

On each show, they feature a different hot news babe...

Ellison Barber, a Fox News Contributor...SHE IS HIDEOUS!
Now I hate labeling them as hot news babes, but, COME ON, this is the reason why they are on the show.  Sure these gals are qualified, but it is their looks that sealed the deal here.  You don't see any overweight, older, non-model looking babes on the set as contributors.  This is a trend that you are seeing on traditional newscasts as wells, but Fox News is sure still in the lead.    

Almost every night on Red Eye, the very attractive gal, (and the only female guest), always sits on the side.  Is this perhaps so that you can see her well light and exposed legs?  Um, YEAH!  You can see this on their other newscasts as well.  However, on the rare occasion that they have two women on the set, they seem to put the older one in the poorly leg lit area, mixed in with the men.    

When Jerry Springer first started, and they were having trouble getting viewers, the producer came up with the plan to recreate the show, that would grab the viewer's attention, within 3 seconds, with the audio down, while the viewer was flipping through channels.  That worked for the sleazy talk show.  Should that be the formula for a news channel?  

I believe that a vicious circle has begun, where fewer younger people get their news from the internet, while the traditional news outlets try to win them back with less content and more visual tricks.  

Last night, on Fox News, Ann Coulter seemed to make my point when she spouted out this;

Leave it to Ann to take my point and then completely flip it.  Gah!  She said,
"Look at most news programs.  Totally, totally, hot girls, and really ugly guys" 
Ann claimed that she was referring to other news channels, and not Fox News Channel.

That is just like how the GOP shutdown the government and then tried putting the blame on the president.  Actually, it is a clever move.  It is known as the old Chico Marx's Duck Soup position.  You know, the line;   
"Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"
Move on, there is no visible sexy legs here, just only liberal bias fact based news!
And forget about a hot news babe on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, as I don't even think that he let's girls into his club house that he calls the Situation Room.  Well, not to burst Ann's bubble, but there is a whole website featuring the Foxy Fox Foxes and it is called, Fox News Girls.

I would love to live in a world where viewers would still watch the news for the content, and the news outlets would still give the news, instead of gimmicks...but as long as we watch them, the circus will continue. 

Mr. Stuntmaster himself!  He didn't need a hot news babe to keep his viewers.
With all of the Foxy Fox Foxes, I can watch Fox News with the audio down and simply enjoy the view.  So, I don't really care what the Fox says. 

Too bad we really screwed up the news format.  It takes a fictional TV series to really explain the problem.  Fictional news anchor, Will McAvoy from The Newsroom explains;
"In the infancy of mass communication, the Columbus and Magellan of broadcast journalism, William Paley and David Sarnoff, went down to Washington to cut a deal with Congress. Congress would allow the fledgling networks free use of taxpayer-owned airwaves in exchange for one public service. That public service would be one hour of airtime set aside every night for informational broadcasting, or what we now call the evening news. 
Congress, unable to anticipate the enormous capacity television would have to deliver consumers to advertisers, failed to include in its deal the one requirement that would have changed our national discourse immeasurably for the better - Congress forgot to add that under no circumstances could there be paid advertising during informational broadcasting. They forgot to say the taxpayers will give you the airwaves for free and for 23 hours a day, you should make a profit, but for one hour a night, you work for us."

Tony Lossano, Broadcast Producer (TV & Radio, Chicago), amateur bicyclist, a fantastic dog walker, and has never been married to Alyssa Milano.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Steve & Garry, Scumbag, Worm-Meat, Idiots!

And They Said It Wouldn't Last.
That was an ad celebrating a decade of Steve & Garry.

My earliest memory of  listening to their show was when my mother insisted that I turn-off, which I had playing at my 8th grade backyard graduation party. For some reason, she did not think that Steve Dahl and Garry Meier was appropriate for a family occasion.

Another particular time, while in high school, I dated a gal, (who would eventually become my current ex-wife).  That was when she started listening to Steve & Garry.  I remember her telling me that her grandmother didn't understand the appeal of Steve & Garry.  She claimed that all they ever did was just giggle on the air.

That is so far from what they were all about...

For almost 15 years, they were the pioneers of comedy, talk & social commentary radio.  Steve & Garry were the only reason why I wanted to get into radio!  They did unconventional, but highly entertaining mind-blowing broadcasts!  This past summer, Bruce DuMont proudly announced that the two would finally be inducted in the national Radio Hall Of Fame.

Last week, the news broke in Robert Feder's column;
"Chicago radio legend Steve Dahl won’t be in attendance when he and former partner Garry Meier are inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame."    
This sparked Chaz Ebert to send Robert an open letter, titled “Steve and Garry, Please Bury the Hatchet.”

Steve responded with his own open letter, explaining why he still wasn't planning on attending the Radio Hall Of Fame ceremony.
"I won’t be attending the HOF ceremony, not because I have any animosity, but because it doesn’t seem like the venue for another failed attempt at a Steve and Garry reconciliation."
This actually lead to people asking me, (as if I have any inside information, which I don't), why was the Steve & Garry break-up so messy, still to this day.

So, as a big fan, (I'm 181 pounds), I will try to explore the Steve & Garry break-up.  Nothing is clear-cut, and everything written here is allegedly factual statements.

Steve & Garry on tapes, CDs & online!
On September 12, 1993, it all ended with Steve & Garry after Garry returned from his honeymoon and quit from the groundbreaking duo.  They had a huge following in Chicago, ratings were fine, and a national syndication campaign began running in the trade magazines that very week.  Ten days later, after trying to figure things out, Steve went on the air and announced the news;
"Garry and I won't be working together anymore."  
That morning, I was listening on my Sony Walkman, as I was walking to work downtown.  I was stunned.  As a daily listener for seven years, and a fan for life, I could not believe that this was really happening.  And even though I heard that it was reported on NBC, that their break-up was just a publicity stunt, I could tell by how Steve was talking, that this was really the end of Steve & Garry.

Most people have heard the story that is in Wikipedia:
"In 1993. The alleged reason for the break-up was Dahl's on-the-air comments about Meier’s new wife, commercial real-estate broker Cynthia Fircak, while the new couple were on their honeymoon.  Meier also blamed Dahl's alcoholism and unpredictable behavior. Dahl, for his part, blamed Fircak for the split, once saying on air 'When I met her, I knew the rules had just changed.'"
In 1996, Garry Meier explained in an interview by Rick Kogan in the Chicago Tribune;
"As the show developed, I think I played a larger and larger part, I thought I deserved to have a 50/50 split, but in the end money didn't matter at all in my decision. I just walked.  - That's what finally did it, Steve's drinking...That was the seed of all of our problems, the reason that everything shattered." 
Steve & Garry on Steve & Garry
Click here to read
How much was finances really involved?  At the time, it was reported that WLUP and Steve had a $6.5 million contract for five years, which Garry would receive just over $2.1 million from that deal.  This was the conditions that all of the parties agreed upon.

Steve mentioned on the air that Garry was seeking a bigger cut, thinking that Cindy might be behind his request;
"He already hit me up for more money when they first started going out and I know that she made him."
Finances seemed to be another big factor.

Even though they were the great communicators on the air, off the air, they were never much for words. Steve hinted at this during the end of their final show together, (on August 28, 1993), when he wished Garry a happy wedding day;
Steve: "Good luck tomorrow."
Garry: "Thank you."
Steve: "That's [cuz] we don't talk off the air anymore.  I have to say everything on the air."
How much did Steve's alcohol problem affect Garry?  Well, more so as Garry evolved into a different life with his new love, Cindy.  Steve saw the chemistry changing with their on-air partnership, as he mentioned on his August 30, 1993 broadcast;  
 "It was always kinda nice to not have him married, cause he just sorta did what I said and now he has to answer to somebody else...Cindy is nice and all of that, but of course she, like, kinda looking out for, his best interest and usually I am looking out for mine and I can get him to do what I want...I just hope that we don't get into a John & Yoko, Paul & Linda thing."
Garry was Roe Conn's partner for 8 years.
On May 17, 2012, on his podcast, Steve talked with Roe Conn about the worst thing he could recall he said...At Garry & Cindy's reception, Steve gave a toast that included the c-word.  Steve later explained;
"I didn't call her a c##t, I just said that she had one!"
Immediately afterwards, Jack O'Malley, (then Republican Cook County State's Attorney), and then Larry Wert, (then President and GM of WLUP-AM/FM), asked Steve what was he doing?  Steve didn't think he did anything wrong.  In fact, he said that he did not recall actually saying the c-word for many years, until others confirmed that he did.  Steve has since said that he is not blameless, but he has apologized to both Garry & Cindy.

Both of us non-drinkers in a bar
Steve has been sober since 1995.  That year, he told Steve Johnson in the Chicago Tribune;
"It was sort of prompted by the fact that I realized that Patrick (eldest of his three sons) was 14 and I was rapidly approaching a 'Do as I say, not as I do' situation. I didn't think I had a right to comment on [my sons'] behavior based on my behavior. Plus, once I turned 40 (in November 1994) some metabolic thing happened to me and I guess I just got old."
On Steve's first solo show, after the break-up, he spoke from the heart and I believe that this is probably the closest explanation to why it all really ended;
"[Garry] made a big change in his life, he got married and I think that he wants to stand on his own two feet.  And I think in the last year or so, since he got into a serious relationship and all of that, he started to resent me and all of that.  And I guess that I saw it coming.  I figured that we would have some problems, cause there would be some roped off areas, with respect to talking about his life, and that's that's tough for me.  It's a little easier when you're single.  And I don't think that he was comfortable with that.  And I'm not sure that I was comfortable with the fact that I couldn't talk about things.  So basically we agreed that it was time to split up."
Another big fan of Steve & Garry was/is Bob Sirott.  (While at Fox, Bob brought Steve on as a weekly contributor.  Now Bob is at WGN Radio, and he is followed by Garry.)  Bob had for years tried to convince the two to reunite.  Bob wasn't alone, and nothing seemed to be in the cards for that to ever happen.

On Fox Thing, Bob Sirott use to drink out of a Steve & Garry mug, (which he shared with kittens).
On August 18, 2006, a mere 13 years after their break-up, Steve & Garry was reunited on the air.

Then on September 28, 2007 at The Park West, they made another public appearance;

At WCKG, Steve & Garry were once again working together, well-kinda.  Garry was on the air prior to Steve's afternoon show.  Things seemed pleasant.  Then WCKG blew-up, real good!

Going back to 1994, after ratings went up, then down for each of their solo shows, Garry left WLUP.  On his final show, Steve popped in for their first on-air conversation since the break-up;
Garry: "It was a tough year for me and it was a tough decision to make when I did a year ago, but it was the absolute right decision as far as I was concerned, and it was a good run and..."
Steve: "Hey and we did a lot of good shows man..."
Garry: "...and that is all that you can do..."
Steve: "So, I just didn't want you to leave here without me saying something..."
Garry: "I am not bitter, it just probably didn't happened the way that everyone wanted to happened with as far as a clean break but I don't think..."
Steve: "It was pretty clean..."
Garry: "It was a clean break in that respect but it was pretty rugged when it happened and..."
Steve: "...and it got rougher...but everything works out for the best so."
Garry: "That is all you can do.  I was willing to do so much, and then things don't go beyond that point, and I think that the way that we did our show, that it probably ended the way that the energy of the show was..."
Steve: "Yeah, I suppose, well that is why I thought that I should come by and say goodbye on the air too, cause for the most part, we always did everything on the show..."
Garry: "It happened, its done, and here we go."
Steve: "Yeah, I am looking forward."

After Steve left the studio, Garry continued;
Garry: "I know that Steve said that we tend to do everything on the air, and I did choose a year ago not to explain all of the little details of why the break up happened, cause I do feel that they are personal, and everything does not have to be aired in public.  That's the way I feel.   That's the way that it is going to be.  Certain things should stay private.  I'm not into the mudslinging, that is not my style.  And I know that I did calls and letters after the break up, saying, 'Come on, what really happened?'  Well, I'm sorry, certain things can not be said.  And it wouldn't be fair to him or me, and it would not improve either of our lives or your life, if you knew everything.  There is nothing that you need to know that makes any difference.  It happened.  It's done.  I will never work with Steve again.  That's final.  I think he knows that now.  I think we all know that now.  Its been a year.  But, I wanted to keep whatever we did together, the best that it could be kept.  And I felt that the best way to do that was just to move on and not get into this mud.  And that is what I have chose to do, and that is what I will continue to do.  I don't have anything to say about it.  I didn't know that he was going to come in today.  So I have nothing more to say.  That is the way it is.  Let's go on.  Thank you."
Steve & Garry were an amazing team together, who twenty years ago started on their solo careers, and both are still at it today.  That there says it all.  Garry Meier does afternoons at WGN-AM.  Steve Dahl does daily shows for The Steve Dahl Network.  ...and me, I am a producer at WLS-FM.

Thank you Steve & Garry!

I am so grateful to have been influenced by Steve & Garry over the years, and I wouldn't change that...for all the tea in China, buddy!

Tony Lossano, Broadcast Producer (TV & Radio, Chicago), amateur bicyclist, a fantastic dog walker, and has never been married to Alyssa Milano.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Graffiti Busters: Blasted!

Not actually the Mayor
Yesterday, Mayor Rahm Emanual said, "we will not preside over a city in which garbage is not picked up, graffiti is not removed"  -  However, graffiti seems to have already gotten worst in Chicago.  I don't recall it being this bad under Mayor Daley.

A few months back, I wrote about this epidemic in Tag You're It! Graffiti Off The Blue Line!

At the time, I submitted a report regarding that graffiti, and then after a month, the Chicago Department: Bureau of Street Operations responded to my request with;
"Dispatch Work Crew Graffiti - Blasted"  
Um, I saw no change on the address that I reported on.

The new look of the area, done with art
However, I did see as some very talented people paint a cool mural on one of the buildings.  (Who's gonna to interfere with them?)  It looks as if it is a tribute towards what has happened to their neighborhood.  Hopefully they will not be fined like a woman was, when she artistically covered up graffiti on her own property in Warrenville.

Look at what has become of Detroit.  There were a list of things that went wrong, but for the most part, their needs were ignored.  If only people paid attention to the early warning signs, perhaps they could have saved that city from their current doomed situation.  I fear that Chicago could also be on that same long road to disaster.

One of my points is to try to defuse the current negative image of Chicago.  With tourists and business people riding the O'Hare line to downtown, from California to Damen, the view from the CTA train looks worst from the back of those buildings than the looked from the front.  With a little attention to the three stops that the blue line is above ground, it might help not scare away people from coming back to Chicago.

No, not one thing will fix everything, but fixing one thing can help make a big difference to the long-term problem.

Maybe the old Graffiti Busters can take a lesson from the CTA, who already does a darn good job keeping their trains and buses clean, even though that they are a pretty big target by the taggers.

What is the CTA's solution to keeping vandals off of their trains and buses?  They are switching them over to the new Ventra card!

Tony Lossano, Broadcast Producer (TV & Radio, Chicago), amateur bicyclist, a fantastic dog walker, and has never been married to Alyssa Milano.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I (Kinda-Sorta) Ran The Chicago Marathon With Rudy!

Me participating in the race.
Sunday was the 36th running of the Chicago Marathon and I was there!  I am sure that you have questions, like;
Did I meet any cool celebrities there?
Yes, and I will tell you more about that in a moment.
Why was it not called the 36th "annual" Chicago Marathon?  
Well, that is because this marathon had started in 1905 and continued until the early 1920's. It didn't return until 1977.  So the word "annual" would be slightly improper here.
Did you actually run in the marathon?
No, I did not run.  I am not currently in shape to do that...Even though I am an avid biker, I do not last that long when my feet touch the ground.

In fact, whenever anyone asks me if I run, I bark back a punchline from the classic movie "Real Genius"

Me & my friends running!
Even though I do not run much, I have done the Shamrock Shuffle a couple of times.  Yup, I can do an 8k race.  (That is 4.97 miles!)  Marathons are 26.2 miles long, or as I like to call them, 21.23 miles too long for me.

So every year, instead of running in the marathon, I help put it on your television.  I am a field producer for special events at NBC Chicago.  Most years, I am stationed at the 1 mile mark, right outside of the NBC Tower.

Last year, one of the guests did not show up for their live interview with NBC's Cheryl Scott.  So, at the last minute, I gathered a bunch of clothes that were discarded by the runners, and piled them up on the guest chair next to Cheryl.

Cheryl is so hot, that her guest melted!
(Meteorology humor)
Sure, I made it look like she was going to do a wacky interview with them, but in reality, they were a prop for a solid report about how all of the discarded clothes are donated to the Pacific Garden Mission.  I am still waiting for my Emmy Award for that moment.

A great!
You can not think that I would be a producer that does traditionally newsie stuff, when I am given the freedom to make a features report fun!

Earlier this year, at the Chicago Auto Show, instead of putting tiny (but awesome) LeeAnn Trotter in a real Jeep vehicle, I had her do her report from a child's toy Jeep.  (I wanted to show that the event was for the entire family)  She loved me for this.

Hello, what did you expect?  I did create and produce a program called The Big Fat Nude Hippo Show!  I like to make things fun if it doesn't conflict with the purpose of the message.  (I am a hard news junkie, with a gift for goofiness.)

From my time doing both TV and radio, I have learned how to best work with celebrities.  They are a special breed.  They are not much different from you or me, except that a lot of strangers recognize and want to meet them.  This could be good or bad, and varies, depending on each situation.

Maria Menounos insisted on taking a pic with me...or that is how I dreamt this!
This weekend, I was brought in to the center of the race, and was put in charge of working with some of the stars that were running in the marathon.  This included Sean Astin, (star of movies like, Rudy, The Goonies and something called The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy).  He is also very active these days.  For example, this was Sean's third marathon this year.  I think that he likes to run.

Films featuring Sean Astin
I spent a good portion before the race with Sean.  I have nothing but kind things to say about him.  He wasn't full of himself.  He poised for pictures with whomever asked.  He would take the time out to chat with them.  He got a kick out of people still yelling "Rudy" at him.  (In my experience, not all celebrities embrace their past roles as well as others...Yes, I am talking about YOU "Tootie"!)

Sean Astin loving the view while talking with NBC's Stefan Holt
At the top of the broadcast, I brought Sean over to do his live interview on NBC in front of the start line.  He was thrilled to see that view, but that was not where he had to be for the start of the race.

Guess who is the runner!
So after his interview, with the escort of a security guy, Sean & I had to run back to his section, so that he could join his friends for the race.  Because of heightened security, a simple block long route was turned into a maze that I figured must have been extended to about 26.2 miles.  My calculations could be a bit off, but I didn't think that I was going to do any running, so it was way more than I trained for.

I told Sean, an avid runner, that he could officially add this onto his total running time.  He had no problem doing this jog, as it was a good warm up before the race.  So I kinda-sorta ran the Chicago Marathon with Rudy.

Overall, he was totally a cool kid. (He called me his elder...even though I am only one month older than him.)

I am glad that I have no juicy gossip to share with you, as this may not make a spicy story, but it did make me think of how a great guy he really is.  So for a few hours, he was my BFF.

According to the Chicago Sun-Times, Sean's official running time was 4:31:05.  However, my time is still unofficial.

Tony Lossano, Broadcast Producer (TV & Radio, Chicago), amateur bicyclist, a fantastic dog walker, and has never been married to Alyssa Milano.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Ventra Makes The ObamaCare Registration Look Smooth!

I have been writing here about my troubles with the CTA, more often than I would really like.  First off, what is the big difference between Ventra & ObamaCare?

There is an actual need for a change with our healthcare system.  So, why is the CTA switching to a less user friendly system?   Sure, it wasn't perfect, as even my Chicago Card, just last week didn't always registered when I tapped it.

I have been reading online some of the complaints about Ventra;  Trouble with activating or loading money.  Long waits on hold for customer service.  Still waiting for Ventra cards.  Improper charges.   ...and that the Ventra card takes longer to register when boarding a bus or at train stations. Awesome!  I am so looking forward to joining in on the Ventra fun!

Pick a card, any card, just as long as you pick the Ventra card!
Last week, I went to the CTA headquarters, TWICE.  The first time, they were closed, so I just "enjoyed" their lobby.  The next day, I went back, where they did quickly reissued me a new Chicago Card.  When I asked about the status of my Ventra cards, I was sent out in the hall.  (That is where they were answering questions regarding Ventra)

Seems to pretty much sums up Ventra.

CTA on December 15th?
I checked to see my status on my Ventra Cards, (I have three Chicago Cards.  I know, I am such a playa'!).  Two were confirmed, my third one was not, which I confirmed right then and there.

The very next day, I received the two Ventra cards.  It included a "Quick Start Guide" for "Transit and Beyond" BUT it appears that it has very little helpful info on how to quickly start the process of activating your card...In fact, it hardly mentions about the transit aspect and seems to focus on the "Prepaid Debit Account" aspect.  So it should tout "Beyond Transit" if anything.

Kevin O'Neil, a Chicago Now blogger has a better guide on what to do to activate your transit portion of Ventra.

Farm animals are a great option for transportation!
It is amazing, how the CTA transferred their own business responsibilities to another company.  In yesterday's Chicago Tribune:
Pace spokesman Patrick Wilmot said Pace has received numerous complaints from customers who haven't been able to get through to Ventra customer service on the phone. "The best thing for people to do is to refer these questions directly to Ventra"
Parody Ad
In my first article on this, I mentioned how I got the impression that the CTA was hands-off from Ventra.  The Trib points out:
The CTA signed a $454 million contract in 2011 with California-based Cubic Transportation Systems Inc. to create and manage the new fare-collection system that features contactless Ventra cards to replace older fare card technology.
So if you hire a babysitter, or nanny, to care for your children, (just like the CTA hiring Ventra), you too will be free from any responsibilities and should not be bothered with any of the details?

Today's Chicago Red Eye reports:
"The CTA recently directed the Ventra vendor to double its customer service staff to meet call demand, and we expect to see improvements shortly."
Good to know that the CTA is getting somewhat involved.  

You will have to have a phone and online access to register your Ventra card...If you don't, then walk...
Simple instructions, if you are not already actively tied in with a Chicago Card...
Dependability, well, that is apparently not included in the basic plan...
I never got this email, but it would be helpful with making this a bit more convenient...
Welcome to Chicago...
A parody Twitter account, which isn't too far from reality...
The Chicago Card was just working fine.  This was their attempt to get to a cash-free system.  Now with Ventra, they might not only get that cash-free system, but they could see a rider-less system.

From what I can gather, the CTA gets a majority of their funding from other areas beyond their riders.  I am not an accountant, so you can review the CTA's financial statements for yourself, but here's what I have found...

In 2009, the CTA revenue came from:
Federal (FTA) $ 5,848,838
State (principally IDOT) $ 605,111
RTA $ 1,822,519
Plus lots more...
How much came from passengers:
Total farebox and pass revenue $ 505,713 
This says to me, that since the CTA receives supplemental funding for operating expenses, they may be alright with not having any customers.  Perhaps they have something to do with an alternative option for your public transportation...

Transit & Beyond
Is coincidence that both use a double "V" in their logo?  Or have you noticed that the Divvy Bike program just happened to be established right before the launch of the Ventra card.

Divvy bikes cost $7 a day, but must dock after thirty minutes.  Um, who just wants to take a nice walk to work with me?

Ventra columns:
Dump Ventra in 2014!
Ventra, No Change! "Stop. Stop. Go."
Ventra, On The Wrong Track!
Just The Beginning Of The Ventra Nightmare?
Follow The $$$ To Answer "Why Ventra?"
How Ventra Stopped Chicago From Working!
Ventra Makes The ObamaCare Registration Look Smooth!
CTA, A Well Run Company, Like A Runaway Train!
Is The CTA Just Messing With Me?

Tony Lossano, Broadcast Producer (TV & Radio, Chicago), amateur bicyclist, a fantastic dog walker, and has never been married to Alyssa Milano.